The Senior Headmistress of Delhi Public School, Jaipur, Ms Anjana Swami , was invited by Spring Dales School Jaipur as the Chief Guest to inaugurate their 'Book Week' on 25 July 2023 which will be celebrated for the entire week. She inaugurated the Book Week by cutting the ribbon and declaring the Book Week open. She also conducted an enriching session for the students on the topic- 'Developing Reading Skills' on the first day of the 'BOOK WEEK'. The students were captivated and interacted well throughout the session. An array of activities was conducted by the students to mark the importance of the occasion like emulating the character from Literature, poetry in motion, poetry recitation, street play and doha recitation. The Principal Ms. Pooja Pareek extended her heartfelt thanks to Ms. Swami for accepting their invitation and being a part of the event.