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Graphic Novels by DPS, Jaipur
The experiential learning while integrating art and technology into curriculum opened new avenues to explore. From conceptualising the script and writing dialogues, clarifying learning objectives and focus on learning outcomes, preparing periodic reflection sheets to assess and ignite the imagination of learners, were the core essentials of the Graphic Novels. The Art work done by the students and teachers played a pivotal role in designing of lively illustrations. The academic topics like Linear Equation, Nationalism in India, Mental Disorders, Cells and Story of Water were woven into real life incidents for easy relatable learning to allow the children to comprehend, retain and apply the knowledge. These Graphic Novels as part of the library will enrich the students and will also be used as tools of Formative Assessments ,SEA in the form of Role Plays, Interviews, Debates, Miming, Discussions, Story-telling, etc. They will be uploaded on the Deeksha Portal of CBSE for wider reach.
Sincere gratitude to Mr. Sandeep Sethi Sir for his constant guidance and motivation that we have been able to produce creatively endowed content which is a visual extravaganza for the students.

Veggie Garden Project
Let's go Green! The students of DPS Jaipur took up the project of creating their own Vegetable Garden at the school. After brainstorming and discussions, the space was identified and with the help of the school gardener, seeds of twenty vegetables were sown in the second week of November. The students regularly monitor and take notes in their journal about the process of growth of a tiny seed into a leafy plant. This beautiful green patch in the school has now become the cynosure of all eyes.

Creating a Calendar
Albert Einstein once said, “The only source of knowledge is experience”. The Calendar Project was just this, an amalgamation of some enriching and wonderful experiences. “Making a Calendar”, was an Interdisciplinary Project designed for the students of Class VII. The activities were conducted online. As part of this project, students of Class VII designed a beautiful Calendar for the year 2022. The theme for the calendar was “Turbans of Rajasthan”. Rajasthan is a vibrant state with a rich cultural heritage. The Rajasthani turban not only forms an important part of the attire but is also synonymous with the culture and customs our state. Through this project, the students learnt about the various kinds of turbans worn, the different fabrics and designs used for the turban, how the different head gears evolved over a period of time and a lot more.