"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” To mark the accomplishments of the exceptional scholars who demonstrated unwavering commitment to academic excellence, a Scholar Badge Ceremony was organised by the Middle Wing of Delhi Public School, Jaipur on Thursday, July 20, 2023. The event commenced with the lamp lighting followed by honouring the young scholars with Scholar Badges, Subject Proficiency Awards and Blue Coats. It was overwhelming to hear the parents and students applaud for the achievers who stood in pride receiving their share of success in the form of badges and certificates. The aura of celebration was enhanced by the melodious presentations by the school choir. The Principal, Dr. Richa Prakash’s address to the parents and scholars touched every heart and also inspired the other students to set their goals high. She mentioned that failure is a step in the path of success, thus it is imperative to keep making efforts. At the end, the Vote of Thanks was delivered offering gratitude to each and every one present at the gathering, and to the ones who had worked behind the curtain, to make this huge event successful. The event concluded with the National Anthem followed by tea and refreshments for all.